
Don't be fooled by the name - Squalane isn't some intimidating, tongue-twisting chemical.
Quite the opposite! It's a friendly, skin-loving ingredient that's ready to sweep your skin off its feet!

But what makes Squalane so special? This superstar ingredient is a hydration hero, locking in moisture to give your skin that dewy, glowing look we all crave. It's also a warrior against inflammation, soothing your skin when it's feeling a little stressed out. And let's not forget its role as a defender against free radicals, those pesky particles that can cause damage to our skin

So buckle up, skincare enthusiasts, as we dive deep into the captivating world of Squalane and discover why your skin is about to write it a love letter of gratitude!
Squalane - The Moisture Magnet

Why Squalane is Your Skin's Best Buddy

Your skin is in constant need of hydration, and Squalane is the perfect BFF for this job. Its structure closely mirrors our skin's natural oils, making it a spectacularly sneaky infiltrator

But don't worry, it's a friendly invader! Once Squalane makes its way into your skin, it goes to work, trapping much-needed moisture inside. It's like having a tiny, microscopic bouncer keeping all the good stuff in and the bad stuff out!

Squalane is also an expert peacekeeper, ensuring harmony between your skin's oil production and hydration. With Squalane around, your skin has a balanced, calm, and radiant party, and you're always invited!

Did You know?

Squalane gets its name from "squalus," a genus of sharks from which it was first extracted, but today it's primarily plant-derived?

Isn't that a fascinating piece of trivia? The story of Squalane's name reflects its journey from ocean depths to sustainable fields. Initially extracted from a genus of sharks named 'squalus', Squalane has now found greener pastures, quite literally

Thanks to the evolution of sustainable practices, the Squalane used in your skincare today mostly comes from plant sources like sugarcane or olives. A fantastic testament to how beauty and sustainability can go hand in hand!

Squalane - The Age-Defier

Turning Back Time with Squalane

Who said you can't time travel? With Squalane in your skincare routine, you can say hello to the 'blast from the past'! It has a knack for fighting environmental damage that contributes to aging, serving as your skincare's secret weapon against time

Just like a superhero, Squalane is always ready to protect. It fights the nefarious free radicals that contribute to aging, making sure your skin remains a timeless masterpiece!

Lastly, Squalane isn't only about the defensive game; it's also about rejuvenation. It aids in the promotion of new cell growth, making your skin look as vibrant as your youthful spirit!

RMH Jojoba - Mazi Beauty



We have a superstar on our hands! RMH JOJOBA's Restoring Night Cream is formulated with this magical ingredient, Squalane.

This cream not only keeps your skin hydrated throughout the night, but also defends it from environmental damage and soothes any irritation.

Prepare to wake up with skin that feels baby-soft, balanced and oh-so radiant! It's like beauty sleep in a jar!


Did you know?

Squalane, unlike many skincare ingredients, doesn't easily oxidize, which helps keep your skincare products fresh for longer?

Did you ever think a skincare ingredient could be stable and reliable like a trusted old friend? Squalane’s resistance to oxidation means it doesn't degrade easily when exposed to light or heat, unlike many other skincare ingredients

So, you can confidently use your skincare products without worrying about them losing their potency over time. Isn't it wonderful to have such a stable companion in your skincare routine?

Squalane - The Peaceful Warrior

How Squalane Soothes Your Skin

Squalane is like a zen master for your skin, calming and comforting even when things get rough. If you're dealing with irritation or redness, Squalane is there to say, "don't worry, I got this."

Remember how Squalane can mimic our skin's natural oils? This also means it's non-irritating, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. It's like giving your skin a gentle, comforting hug!

And as a peacekeeper, Squalane can help soothe and reduce inflammation. It's like having your very own skin diplomat, constantly working towards creating a state of skin serenity!

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