Thé vert

Bonjour, passionnés de soins de la peau! On s'apprête à faire une balade dans l'univers enchanteur du thé vert. Ce n'est pas seulement votre tasse de thé réconfortante de l'après-midi, oh non ! C'est aussi une superstar brillante dans la vaste galaxie des ingrédients de soins de la peau. Le thé vert est prêt à occuper le devant de la scène et à vous montrer ses incroyables pouvoirs
Préparez-vous à découvrir les façons étonnantes dont cette humble feuille peut transformer votre peau, lui donnant un éclat qui rivalise avec le soleil du matin. Alors, êtes-vous prêt à explorer la magie du thé vert ? Plongeons-nous !
Green Tea - The Antioxidant Avenger

Your Skin's Anti-Pollution Shield

Green tea, your friendly neighborhood brew, plays an exceptional role in fending off environmental pollutants wreaking havoc on your skin

Packed with potent polyphenols, green tea helps form a protective shield, safeguarding your skin from the grimy, gunky cloud of urban life

And here's the real kicker - its anti-pollution properties don't just guard, but they also help in repairing existing environmental damage, making your skin resilient and radiant

Did You know?

Green tea is like a personal security guard for your skin?

It's packed with antioxidants called catechins, which patrol your skin, fighting off damage from pollution, sun exposure, and even aging

So next time you sip your cup of green tea, remember, it's working overtime for your skin too!

Green Tea - Stay Hydrated

Keep Time in Check

One of the little secrets about green tea is its magic in fighting off wrinkles and fine lines that come knocking with time

The antioxidant-rich green tea neutralizes harmful free radicals, which can otherwise speed up the aging process

It's like having your personal timekeeper, making sure your skin continues to flaunt its youthful charm, pushing back on those pesky signs of aging

NME Revival - Mazi Beauty



The magic of green tea doesn't stop at a steaming mug; it's a star player in our NME REVIVAL Multi-Correcting Serum

This skincare superhero, with all its anti-pollution, anti-aging, and soothing powers, works tirelessly to keep your skin feeling fresh, youthful, and utterly radiant

It's like having your very own daily tea ceremony – for your skin!


Did you know?

Green tea is like a gym trainer for your pores?

Yes, you heard it right! Green tea contains tannins that are known to shrink pores and reduce the production of sebum, the natural oil that can lead to acne

So, it's not only keeping your body fit but your skin too. Imagine having a facial workout, while you relax with your cup of tea!

Green Tea - Battle Blemishes

Soothing the Storm

Green tea, this humble hot cuppa, can be your skin's best friend, especially when it's feeling a bit under the weather, red, and inflamed

It brings along its anti-inflammatory properties, easing away the redness and reducing any swelling, giving your skin the calming comfort it needs

The secret? The polyphenols again! They get to work and ensure your skin's temper tantrums are swiftly and gently soothed

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